Personal Evangelism – #1
“An Alarm to the Unconverted” embodies the substance of Alleine’s message and in so doing provides a true model of Puritan evangelism. Phraseology must differ from age to age and gifts from man to man, but here, we have no hesitation in saying, are the principles which must be present in any true presentation of the Gospel. More than one great evangelist has had his views molded by the following pages. George Whitefield, while still a student at Oxford, tells us in his Journals how Alleine’s Alarm ‘much benefited’ him. Charles Haddon Spurgeon records how, when he was a child, his mother would often read a piece of Alleine’s Alarm to them as they sat around the fire on a Sunday evening, and when brought under conviction of sin it was to this old book he turned. He wrote, “I remember when I used to awake in the morning, the first thing I took up was Alleine’s Alarm, or Baxter’s Call to the Unconverted. Oh those books, those books! I read and devoured them.…” With his heart thus burning with the fire of Puritan divinity, Spurgeon was prepared to follow in the steps of Alleine and Whitefield.
Peter Paul John – #2
They went on to prevail against the powers of darkness and ushered in God’s Kingdom. Learn from F. B. Meyer’s insights into the lives of three great New Testament men of faith.
Preacher and His Ministry – #4
Here is an excerpt from the book The Ideal Ministry: “For the attainment of these God-appointed ideals, one of the God-appointed means, and the chief, is the ministry of the Word of God by the man of God. And in the prosecution of this ministry, the ideals of it we hang up in our sky, if worthy, though they may shame our past, will nevertheless prove incentives to higher things. So that idealizing in the ministry is not theorizing, nor ballooning, nor getting lost in the clouds. It is lifting a standard. In the reverent use of apostolic words, it is forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, and pressing on towards the goal unto the prize of an ideal ministry in Christ Jesus.”
In what sense and to what extent such motive may be an inborn principle in the man himself, as a product of natural birth, without favorable environments or without transmission in germinal form from a religious ancestry is a question more interesting than easy of solution. That it is sometimes measurably transmitted along the line of hereditary piety may be assumed to be as true as the divine promise that “the righteousness of the Lord is unto children’s children to those who keep his covenant and remember his commandments to do them.”
Principles of Spiritual Growth – #4
1. Life begins when we meet Jesus (See 1 John 5:12 and John 14:6).
2. We are righteous because of Jesus in us, not because of what we do. (See 2 Cor. 5:21).
3. Living things are made to grow.
4. God says those who are alive and righteous shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
The cedars of Lebanon often stood 100 feet tall. And historians say that 100 soldiers and their horses could fi nd shelter under the broad limbs of just one of these trees. Wow! Stretch up to God, and then spread out to share the blessings with others. That’s the message. And that’s the
Christian life. Honor God. Receive from God. Then share what He gives you with others. GROW like a cedar of Lebanon! This course can help you do just that!
How on earth can I be spiritual? This is the heart cry of millions of Christians. To will is present, but how to perform is as elusive as steam in the air. In these chapters are the sane, sensible, scriptural truths of the Spirit-filled life and power for any individual, whether or not the churches and nations experience it. May God grant that these messages bring to your life that excitement and enthusiasm for God that is the normal, genuine Christian life. Ministerial Burnout is prevalent in the Church today. Remember. God can not guide those He can not govern. Will you “burn-out” or “wash-out”? Will you be another casualty of those “giving-up” and “burning-out” in the ministry? Be determined to be the servant who will “live-out” God’s fullest potential for your life. This book will help.
Spiritual Power in Teaching – #1
This course deals with vital preparation for those who desire to fulfil God’s will in teaching. And it is God’s will for every believer to be a teacher…some in Christian schools, some in Sunday school, some behind the pulpit, some in special teaching programs. But all Christians are called to teach salvation to the lost, and to teach other believers what God teaches them. And all parents are called to teach God’s Word to their children.
Sword of the Lord – #4
This course emphasizes the Word of God, the Sword of the Lord, the Sword of the Spirit.
Side by side with the testimony of the Holy Spirit borne in the heart of the individual that this book is from God, is the testimony of history to the Bible, borne in the heart of humanity, that a book filled with such regenerating power for the race is from God. For there is, history itself being witness, a truly regenerating power in the Bible. And it is because, wherever it goes it creates a new humanity—a humanity informed by a new spirit and filled with a new life—that it is the great unifying power which it is.
Young Preacher – #2
This course teaches the qualifications the call, the work, and the character of the young preacher.